Client Side Syntax Highlighting

Syntax highlighting using Ace language modes and themes.

.code { width: 50%; white-space: pre-wrap; border: solid lightgrey 1px }
function wobble (flam) {
    return flam.wobbled = true;

--[[-- num_args takes in 5.1 byte code and extracts the number of arguments from its function header. --]]-- function int(t) return t:byte(1) + t:byte(2) * 0x100 + t:byte(3) * 0x10000 + t:byte(4) * 0x1000000 end function num_args(func) local dump = string.dump(func) local offset, cursor = int(dump:sub(13)), offset + 26 --Get the params and var flag (whether there's a ... in the param) return dump:sub(cursor):byte(), dump:sub(cursor+1):byte() end